Hydroponic Cannabis Seeds - A Beginners Guide to Hydroponics Marijuana
Learn how to plant and grow cannabis seeds in a hydroponic system
Welcome to our introduction to hydroponic cannabis seeds. This article will go over a brief overview of hydroponic systems. Then we'll go into cannabis seeds in hydroponics and how we can grow them. If you want to buy hydroponic cannabis seeds, go to the bottom of this article for a link to our starter kits. Let's jump right in!
Types of Hydroponic Systems
Deep Water Culture (DWC)
Wick Systems
Ebb and Flow
Deep Water Culture (My personal favorite)
The deep water culture (DWC) system is the most straightforward hydroponic system to get started. As kids, we've all put toothpicks into various vegetables, placed them in water, and soon they rooted! As a matter of fact, my kids have avocados they started growing on our window sill right now. So this is basically what DWC hydroponics is.
I love Deep Water Culture because you don't need much to get started. Here is a quick list:
Bucket to hold water and nutrients
Net pots
Air pump
Air tubing
Grow light
Growing medium
Most people have these items hanging around their houses. An old bucket that can hold water is perfect, and lots of people have had fish tanks, so an air pump and tubing are not hard to source either.
Grow mediums can be anything that can hold a plant. For example, I've seen folks use pool noodles to hold their plants.
Cannabis seeds do very well in a DWC system.
DWC Avocados!
Wick Systems
Look at those grey wicks!
Wick systems are similar to DWC. In this setup, plants are suspended above the water, and "wicks" placed in the grow medium take up water and nutrients to feed the plant.
Wick systems are easy to setup as well. All you need is the following:
Wicks (Anything nylon, cotton, wool, microfiber cloths, etc.)
Reservoir for water and nutrients
Growing medium
Growing container
The most critical factor in a wick system is the growing medium. You need to have a medium that can hold moisture because that is what will feed the plant. Growing mediums such as coco coir and vermiculite are popular for this type of hydroponics.
The benefit of this system is that it is easy to get started and maintain. In addition, since your nutrients are in a separate container, it is easier to make adjustments than to remove the whole plant, as is the case in the DWC system.
Ebb and Flow Systems
Model of an Ebb and Flow System
Ebb and flow, aka Flood and Drain, is a popular hydroponic system. This system has a reservoir with a pump that delivers water and nutrients to the fill tray. The fill tray is a separate container where the plants are kept. The fill tray has a drain tube that sends the water back into the reservoir.
The system works because the pump sends the water from the reservoir into the fill tray. The water is then drained back into the reservoir from the drain pipe. The system is set on a timer so the roots can dry out and get oxygen in between watering.
This system is excellent for growing multiple plants. You can easily add or remove plants without doing any heavy lifting. The downside is this type of system can be hard to start.
You'll need the following to get an Ebb and Flow System:
Submersible pump
Tubing for pump
Drain tube
Fill tray
Net pots
Airstone for reservoir
Grow medium
Ok, now that we have that all out of the way, let's get onto the good stuff, hydroponic cannabis seeds.
How to Start Hydroponic Cannabis Seeds
You can use any cannabis seed in a hydroponic system. This includes both photoperiod seeds and autoflower seeds. They are planted and grown pretty much the same way except for a few differences.
Autoflower cannabis seeds do not rely on a lighting schedule to go into flowering.
Autoflowers plants do not require as much growing space as photo plants.
You cannot use high-stress training on autoflowers
How to Plant Hydroponic Cannabis Seeds
Starting your seed. Read our How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds in Rockwool article for a detailed guide to germinating your seeds.
The first part of your hydroponic journey is to germinate your cannabis seeds. There are many ways to germinate cannabis seeds. The way I like to do this is by using Rockwool cubes. All you have to do is soak the cubes in 5.5 ph water. After about 30 minutes, you can drop your seed into the hole and pinch the top closed. Next, place the cube under a grow light and keep the humidity high. Your seed should germinate in a few days. It's that easy!
After your seed develops roots, you're ready to move it into a permanent setup.
How to Grow Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds Hydroponically
Ok. So far, we've germinated our seeds, and they have started to grow and develop roots. Now it is time to move them into our hydroponic setup. If you're growing autoflowers, then Deep Water Culture or Wick would be a great choice. In this article, I will walk you through a DWC setup.
Supplies for Hydroponic Cannabis Seeds DWC
Before I give you the supply list, I just want to say that just the thought of doing this setup was too overwhelming for me. It took me a while to calm down and get started. What I found was that it's so easy to get going and maintain. So don't be put off if this seems like a lot. Just take it one step at a time, and you'll get there.
Assembled deep water culture hydroponic system
Aquarium air pump
Black air tubing
5-gallon black bucket
Net Pot
Cannabis seeds of your choice
Grow light
Grow tent (optional)
TDS Meter
Nutrients and PH solution
Fan for air circulation
Once you have your supplies, assembling the system is a breeze.
Clean your buckets. Make sure there is no residue or foreign matter in your bucket.
Connect your air tubing to your air pump.
Run the other end of your tubing through the holes of your net pot.
Connect the air stone. The stone will sit in the water to oxygenate your cannabis seeds' roots.
Hang your grow light 18 inches above the top foliage
Here is a video on a cannabis plant in a DWC system.
Presoak and Prepare Your Hydroton Beforehand
It's important to note that you must clean and soak your hydroton before using it. When you receive your hydroton, the clay pellets are dusty, and you don't want that dust in your setup. Get a strainer and pour your hydroton in it. You must use enough to cover all the holes of your net pot. Rinse the pellets until the water runs clear and is no longer cloudy/muddy looking. Soak your pellets for at least 24 hours before use so they can absorb a sufficient amount of water.
Transplanting Your Seedling Into DWC Hydroponics
Rockwool cube on hydroton base. Next step is to cover the cube until you cannot see the holes in the net pot.
Taking your seedling and putting it into a DWC system is extremely simple. All you need to do is take your hydroton, put a layer of it on the bottom of your net pot, place your seedling in and cover until the net pot is full. Be careful that you don't pour the hydroton directly onto the seedling. The stem has not fully developed yet, and you could break it if you are too rough.
Now you are a cannabis grower! Congrats!
If you need seeds and nutrients, I highly recommend one of our complete grow kits.
This picture is a great illustration of one way to run your tubing through the holes of the net pot.
Our upcoming articles will focus on nutrients and how I feed my cannabis seeds. In the meantime, please leave me any questions or comments below. I love helping others with their goals, so don't be shy.
Here's to your growing success!
The Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds Team
Q: What is hydroponic cultivation?
A: Hydroponic cultivation is a method of growing plants without soil, where the plants receive nutrients through a water-based solution that is rich in essential minerals. It allows for precise control over nutrient levels and creates an optimal growing environment for cannabis plants.
Q: Why choose hydroponics for growing cannabis?
A: Hydroponics offers several advantages for growing cannabis, including faster growth rates, higher yields, and better control over nutrient uptake. It also minimizes the risk of soil-borne diseases and allows for year-round cultivation in any location.
Q: What equipment do I need to set up a hydroponic system?
A: To set up a hydroponic system for growing cannabis, you will need essentials such as grow lights, grow medium (such as rockwool cubes or clay pebbles), a reservoir, air pump and air stones for oxygenation, pH and EC meters, nutrient solutions, and a reliable water filtration system.
Q: What are the key factors to consider for successful hydroponic cannabis cultivation?
A: Important factors to consider include maintaining proper nutrient balance, controlling pH levels (around 5.5-6.5), managing temperature and humidity levels, providing adequate lighting, ensuring good air circulation, and preventing pests and diseases.
Q: How often should I change the nutrient solution?
A: The frequency of changing the nutrient solution depends on the size of your hydroponic system, plant growth stage, and environmental conditions. As a general rule, it is recommended to change the solution every 1-2 weeks to prevent nutrient imbalances and maintain optimal plant health.
Q: Can I use organic nutrients in hydroponics?
A: While hydroponic systems can be designed to accommodate organic nutrients, they are more commonly used in soil-based cultivation. Hydroponics typically utilizes inorganic or synthetic nutrient solutions to provide precise control over nutrient levels.
Q: How can I prevent nutrient deficiencies or excesses?
A: Regularly monitoring pH and EC (electrical conductivity) levels of the nutrient solution is crucial to prevent nutrient imbalances. Nutrient deficiencies or excesses can be avoided by following a proper feeding schedule, adjusting nutrient concentrations as needed, and addressing any signs of plant stress.
Q: What lighting should I use for hydroponic cannabis cultivation?
A: For indoor hydroponic cannabis cultivation, high-intensity discharge (HID) lights like metal halide (MH) or high-pressure sodium (HPS) are commonly used during the vegetative stage, while LED lights are preferred during the flowering stage. It is important to provide the right light spectrum and intensity for each growth phase.
Q: How long does it take to grow hydroponic cannabis plants?
A: The time it takes to grow hydroponic cannabis plants depends on various factors, including the strain, growing conditions, and desired harvest size. Generally, cannabis plants grown hydroponically have a faster growth rate compared to soil-based cultivation, with an average growth cycle ranging from 8 to 16 weeks.
Can I grow hydroponic cannabis plants at home? Yes, hydroponic cannabis cultivation can be done at home, provided you have the necessary equipment, knowledge, and a suitable growing space. It is important to research and adhere to local laws and regulations regarding the cultivation of cannabis.
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