Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds

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10 Reasons Why Growing Mary Jane Seeds Improves Your Health

Are you looking for a fun hobby that also has many health benefits? Look no further than growing your own cannabis seeds! It’s not just for people with a green thumb, in fact, anyone can try their hand at it. Whether you have a backyard with enough space for a garden or just a place in your house or apartment that could use some greenery, growing cannabis seeds can have a positive impact on your health. Here are the top 10 reasons why we feel that weed seeds can improve your health.

Important: Always check with your state laws to see if growing marijuana seeds is legal in your area. Furthermore, it is important to note that we are not promoting the use of marijuana for recreational purposes, but rather highlighting its potential health benefits as a medicinal plant.

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1. Gardening Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Gardening has been proven to reduce stress levels and anxiety. The process of nurturing plants and watching them grow can be therapeutic and calming. What is fantastic about autoflowering cannabis seeds is that they grow quickly. This means you can enjoy the stress-relieving benefits of gardening in a shorter amount of time compared to other plants.

Pruning your plants is calming and allows you the power to have full control of how your plant is shaped. This is a wonderful experience that is rewarding and gives you the freedom to experiment with different pruning techniques and develop your own style.

The skillset of learning to prune and shape marijuana seeds can be transferred to other types of plant art such as bonsai. This is another hobby that has been known for its positive effects on reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

2. Provides Physical Activity

Growing cannabis seeds is not just about planting and waiting for them to grow. It requires some physical activity such as digging, weeding, and pruning. This can be a great form of exercise for those who may not have access to a gym or prefer outdoor activities. It is also a great way to get some fresh air and Vitamin D from the sun, which is essential for our well-being.

According to research, regular physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even cancer. So while you’re tending to your own seeds, you’re also improving your overall physical health.

Cannabis seeds can Be Grown Outside or Indoors

Cannabis plants can thrive both indoors and outdoors, providing flexibility for the gardener. For outdoor growing, a garden spot with good soil, sunlight, and access to water is essential. These plants love the sun, and the full spectrum of natural sunlight can help them grow strong and healthy. Outdoor growing also allows the plants to grow to their full potential, offering more yield.

Read: Top 10 Sativa Cannabis Seeds

On the other hand, indoor growing offers a controlled environment that can be favorable for year-round cultivation. Indoor growers can manage factors like light, temperature, and humidity, giving the plants the exact conditions they need to flourish. This control can result in a continuous, high-quality yield throughout the year. Additionally, indoor cultivation can be a discrete and convenient option for those living in urban areas or regions with harsh climates.

Regardless of your choice, growing cannabis seeds both indoors and outdoors can be a rewarding experience that contributes to a healthier lifestyle.

3. Growing Marijuana Seeds Encourages Mindfulness

The act of growing marijuana seeds fosters mindfulness, a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment. This process encourages patience, attentiveness, and a deep connection with nature. Each step in the cultivation process, from planting the seed to nurturing the seedling, requires careful observation and consideration. Gardeners must tune into subtle changes in the plant's growth, adjusting light, temperature, and water as needed. This level of involvement requires a heightened sense of awareness and a keen attention to detail, both of which are key aspects of mindfulness.

Moreover, the cyclical nature of plant growth mirrors life's natural rhythms, reminding growers of the impermanence and transience of all things. Observing a seed sprout, grow, flower, and eventually decay can help individuals better understand and accept these life cycles, leading to improved mental well-being and a more mindful approach to life.

In essence, cultivating marijuana seeds can serve as a form of meditation. Like traditional meditation, this practice encourages individuals to be in the moment and to focus on the task at hand, pushing aside external stresses and distractions. Over time, this can lead to decreased stress levels, enhanced mood, and a more positive outlook on life.

4. Gardening Improves Immunity

Getting your hands dirty in the garden might be an excellent way to boost your immunity. This might sound counterintuitive, but the soil under your fingernails could be teeming with beneficial bacteria called Mycobacterium vaccae - microorganisms that have been found to trigger the release of serotonin, a mood-boosting chemical that helps to strengthen our immune system. Regular gardeners' exposure to these good bacteria means they could be improving their immune system while they work.

Moreover, tending to a garden often means spending more time in sunlight, which aids our bodies in producing Vitamin D, a crucial component for a healthy immune system. Vitamin D assists our bodies in producing antibodies, which can increase our resistance against various diseases.

Lastly, the physical activity associated with gardening, whether it's weeding, digging, or planting, can also contribute to a stronger immune system by promoting good circulation, which allows cells and substances of the immune system to move through the body freely and do their job efficiently. Thus, gardening is an all-around beneficial activity for enhancing immunity.

5. Cannabis Seeds Make Beautiful Flowers

Marijuana seeds produce plants that are known for their diverse and charming flowers, which vary greatly depending on the strain of the plant. These flowers, often referred to as "buds," are the parts of the plant that are harvested and used for their high cannabinoid content.

Two primary types of cannabis plants produce distinct flower types: Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. Sativa plants tend to produce flowers that are airy and loosely packed. These buds are usually larger and less dense, with a light green hue and long, thin shapes. They often have a fragrant, fruity aroma and are known for producing a more cerebral, energizing effect when consumed.

On the other hand, Indica plants produce smaller, denser flowers that are tightly packed. These buds are typically darker and rounder, often exhibiting a deep purple color. They have a strong, pungent aroma and are known for their relaxing, body-focused effects.

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Hybrid Cannabis Seeds

There are also hybrid cannabis seeds, which are bred from both Sativa and Indica strains. This results in a wide array of flower types, as the characteristics of the buds can vary greatly based on the traits inherited from the parent plants. Hybrids might produce flowers that blend the features of Sativa and Indica buds, resulting in unique combinations of size, density, color, and effect.

Beyond Sativa, Indica, and hybrid strains, there is also a specialization in cannabis cultivation called "Landrace strains." These are cannabis plants that have developed naturally in a particular environment over hundreds, if not thousands, of years. They tend to produce flowers that are highly adapted to their specific growing conditions, resulting in a wide variety of unique and fascinating bud types.

In conclusion, the variety of flowers in cannabis plants is truly remarkable, offering a plethora of options for growers and consumers alike. From the light and airy buds of Sativa strains to the compact and pungent flowers of Indica strains, and the diverse hybrids in between, there is a cannabis flower for every preference.

6. Improves Your Sense of Purpose

Cultivating marijuana plants can instill a profound sense of purpose in the growers. This process involves nurturing a living organism from a tiny seed into a fully grown plant, which can be an incredibly fulfilling experience. It allows individuals to take on the roles of caretaker and creator, which can lead to a feeling of accomplishment and personal significance.

Furthermore, the responsibility that comes with tending to these plants on a daily basis can provide a structured routine, which is often associated with a greater sense of purpose in life. This daily investment of time and effort creates a strong connection to the plants, as the grower becomes a crucial part of their life cycle.

Finally, the act of growing marijuana can also contribute to a broader sense of purpose. Many cultivators take pride in learning about different strains, cultivation techniques, and the medicinal benefits of cannabis seeds. This knowledge not only allows them to enhance their growing skills but also to contribute to the larger community of growers and consumers. Sharing insights, advice, and experiences within this community can give individuals a sense of belonging and purpose, reinforcing the idea that their efforts are part of a larger, meaningful endeavor.

7. Growing Cannabis Seeds Helps You Relax

Growing cannabis can serve as a therapeutic and relaxing activity. The repetitive tasks involved in gardening, such as watering, pruning, and harvesting, can have a calming effect, similar to the benefits of mindfulness and meditation. This process allows individuals to slow down, focus on simple tasks, and momentarily disconnect from the fast pace and stress of daily life. Being in contact with nature, even if it is just a small plant indoors, has been shown to reduce stress and increase feelings of tranquility.

Moreover, the anticipation and excitement of watching your cannabis plants grow and develop can bring about a sense of satisfaction and relaxation. It's a hobby that requires patience and care, and the reward of seeing your plants thrive from your efforts can be incredibly soothing and gratifying.

On a more specific note, the actual product of your gardening - the cannabis itself - can aid relaxation. Different strains of cannabis have various effects, and many are known for their relaxing properties. Strains high in CBD, for instance, are renowned for helping with stress and anxiety. Thus, the act of growing cannabis seeds can lead to relaxation both during the cultivation process and afterward, when the fruits of your labor can be enjoyed.

8. Gardening Provides You With a Great Social Activity

Gardening can serve as a wonderful platform for social interaction and relationship building. Community gardens, in particular, are a hub for shared activities where individuals can come together to cultivate plants, exchange gardening tips, and enjoy the fruits of their communal effort. These gardening spaces often foster a sense of community, enabling people from diverse backgrounds to connect over shared interests and tasks.

Moreover, even individual gardening pursuits provide opportunities to bond with others. Sharing the produce from your garden, discussing gardening techniques, or even seeking advice on pest control can lead to engaging conversations with neighbors, friends, and family. This can strengthen existing relationships and cultivate new ones.

Joining gardening clubs or online forums can also expand one's social circle, connecting individuals with gardening enthusiasts locally and globally. These platforms provide a common ground for sharing experiences, learning, and forming connections with others who share the same passion.

Personally, I've planted vegetable gardens with my children and it provided them with an experience that they'll always remember. They got to see the entire process of planting, nurturing and watching our plants grow. It allowed us to bond over a shared activity and taught them about responsibility, patience, and the value of hard work.

Lastly, gardening activities such as seed swaps or garden tours offer social events where individuals can interact and learn from each other. Such events not only encourage socialization but also promote a sense of camaraderie among gardeners.

9. Growing Marijuana Seeds Saves You Money

Growing your own marijuana seeds can lead to significant financial savings. Purchasing cannabis from a dispensary or through other retail channels can be costly, especially for regular users. The costs of these products often include mark-ups to cover business overheads, transportation, taxes, and profits for the seller. By contrast, growing your own cannabis seeds allows you to control all of these factors, drastically reducing the overall cost.

With a small investment in the initial set-up for a home garden, including the cost of marijuana seeds, soil, lights, and water systems, you can cultivate a large number of plants that can yield substantial amounts of cannabis. Once the initial investment is covered, the ongoing costs are minimal and mainly involve the electricity for lights (if you're growing indoors) and water.

Besides, growing your own also means you can have a consistent supply of cannabis, eliminating the need for regular purchases. You can choose to grow strains that are typically more expensive to buy, further increasing your savings. And let's not forget about the potential savings from avoiding travel expenses to and from dispensaries.

Therefore, the act of growing marijuana seeds is not only a fulfilling hobby but also an economically wise decision, potentially saving you a considerable amount of money in the long run.

10. Cannabis Seeds Produce Great Medicine

Cannabis, renowned for its medicinal properties, has increasingly made its way into the medical field, offering therapeutic benefits for a range of health conditions. The two main active compounds in cannabis, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol), are responsible for its medicinal effects. THC has psychoactive properties that can alleviate pain and nausea, and stimulate appetite, making it particularly beneficial for patients undergoing chemotherapy or those with AIDS. CBD, on the other hand, doesn't have psychoactive effects, but is recognized for its potential to treat epilepsy, anxiety, and chronic pain.

Increasingly, medical professionals are turning to cannabis as a viable treatment option for their patients. For instance, the FDA approved Epidiolex, a CBD-based drug, for treating severe forms of epilepsy. Similarly, Sativex, a mouth spray containing both THC and CBD, has been approved in numerous countries to treat muscle control problems associated with multiple sclerosis.

Patients who have utilized cannabis-based treatments often report immediate relief. Chronic pain sufferers have noted a significant reduction in their pain levels, while those with anxiety have reported feeling calmer and more relaxed. Moreover, cancer patients have attributed cannabis to easing their chemotherapy-induced nausea and stimulating their appetite.

Thus, the cultivation of cannabis seeds not only leads to the production of a recreational product but also potent medicine. As scientific research continues to unveil the therapeutic potential of cannabis, we can expect its role in medicine to become increasingly significant.


The cultivation of cannabis seeds goes beyond a mere pastime; it's an activity laden with numerous benefits. Gardening itself brings stress relief, promotes social interaction, and offers a profound sense of accomplishment. When you choose to grow cannabis seeds, these benefits are accentuated. The act of nurturing your own marijuana plants from seed to plant can save a considerable sum of money, particularly for frequent users. Most importantly, it contributes to the production of a potent medicinal aid. With an array of therapeutic benefits, from alleviating chronic pain and anxiety to easing chemotherapy-induced nausea, cannabis is steadily gaining acceptance in the medical field. Thus, cultivating cannabis seeds can be a gratifying, economically beneficial, and health-enhancing endeavor. As scientific exploration of its therapeutic potential continues, we can anticipate an even greater embrace of cannabis cultivation.

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Does Auto Flowering Cannabis Sell Cannabis Seeds?

A: Our website does not sell cannabis seeds. We are an affiliate site for one of the best cannabis seed bank, They sell premium marijuana seeds.

What are Feminized Marijuana Seeds?

A: Feminized cannabis seeds are those that have been specially bred to produce only female plants. This is highly desirable for growers, as female plants are the ones that produce buds and can be used for consumption. Feminized seeds eliminate the need to identify and remove male plants, saving time and effort in the cultivation process.

What are Autoflowering Seeds?

A: Autoflowering seeds are a type of cannabis seed that automatically transitions from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage without requiring a specific light cycle. This makes them ideal for novice growers, as they do not need to worry about changing their plants' lighting schedule. Autoflowering cannabis seeds also tend to have shorter growth cycles, making them a popular choice for growers looking for quicker harvests.

What are Cannabis Seed Banks?

A: A cannabis seed bank is a specialized establishment responsible for the breeding, preservation, and distribution of cannabis seeds and strains. These banks meticulously select and develop various types of cannabis genetics, including Indica, Sativa, hybrid, feminized seeds, and autoflowering varieties. The primary purpose of a cannabis seed bank is to ensure the longevity and diversity of cannabis genetics for future use. They provide a reliable source for growers to obtain high quality weed seeds, while also serving as a vital reserve of genetic diversity, which is crucial for the ongoing research, development, and innovation within the cannabis seeds industry.

Can You Recommend an Online Seed Bank?

A: You have to approach most online seed banks with caution. Since there has been a rise in cannabis use, many people are trying to dupe people with cheap weed seeds. You need to do your research and buy from a reliable seed bank that will give you cannabis seeds that have good genetics. is one of the most trusted online seed banks, providing high quality seeds with a wide variety of strains with a germination guarantee.

Do You Give Out Free Cannabis Seeds?

A: We do not give out free cannabis seeds nor should you ever trust anyone who offers you free or cheap marijuana seeds. As mentioned before, most of the time, this is a scam or an attempt to sell low quality seeds. It is always best to purchase from a reputable seed bank for guaranteed high quality marijuana seeds and germination rates. Plus, supporting legitimate seed banks helps ensure the continued diversity and innovation within the cannabis industry.

Female Seeds vs Male Marijuana Seeds

A: Female seeds are those that have been feminized, meaning they will only produce female plants. This is desirable for growers as it ensures a higher yield of buds for consumption. On the other hand, male marijuana seeds will produce male plants, which do not produce buds and are typically removed from the cultivation process. Male seeds are sometimes used in breeding programs to create new strains with specific genetic traits. However, for most growers, female seeds are the preferred option. Feminized seeds can be easily found at reputable seed banks like

Are Organic Cannabis Seeds Available?

A: Yes, there are organic cannabis seeds available from certain seed banks. These seeds have been cultivated using organic methods without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides.

Can You Grow Cannabis Seeds Indoors?

A: Yes, cannabis seeds can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Growing indoors allows for more control over the environment, including temperature, lighting, and humidity levels. There is no such thing as outdoor seeds or indoor seeds; the same seeds can be grown in both environments. However, some strains may perform better in one environment over the other. It's essential to research and choose a strain suitable for your desired growing location. offers a variety of cannabis seed strains that are suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation.

How do I germinate autoflowering marijuana seeds in peat pellets?

A: Check out Your Guide To Starting Cannabis Seeds in Peat Pellets

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